We welcome other non-profit organizations to come in partnership with us. Partnering with us utilizes the best of what we both are good at while pooling resources, thus increasing program growth and outreach.
When you partner with us, more people stay off the street, veterans have a home they can live in adapted to their particular needs faster, and struggling families get the help they need to survive sooner. We are always on the lookout for materials, properties, and mental health partners to assist with services offered through our resident services.
We watch for grant opportunities that allow us to go into partnership with agencies such as those served by the United Way Agency and others to help fund rebuilding projects and resident services more efficiently. Partnerships allow us to help more people with desperately needed affordable or low income housing. Throughout history America has been stronger when people helped each other. At Old Glory we still believe in those values.
With 12 years of hard work behind us, we know we can’t do everything alone. It takes more than just our staff of contractors, tradesmen, counselors, administrators, and volunteers to make the kind of impact and difference we know is needed.
If you are part of local nonprofit food organizations, we would like to add your group to our list. If you can be a partner for behavioral health and wellness, we know that many of our residents want and welcome services to help them adjust, cope, grow, and heal.
Media partnership is especially important to our cause, as local media has their finger on the pulse of communities and can get word out city wide about what is needed, and when we have properties about to be ready for a new resident. We welcome and encourage you to contact Old Glory if you share the values we do about transforming lives one house at a time.
One thing for certain, it takes everyone on the same page to make programs like ours work. We can renovate and restore all the run down property we want, but if the community does not have buy-in, it is likely the project will flounder. Think of it this way – if someone else is willing to do nearly all the work, and foot the expense, and it is going to improve property values, contribute benefits to the population, and make neighborhoods safer, keeping people off the street, what is there not to love? Or rather, what is there to be frightened of? We make sure the residents that rent our renovated homes are screened for sincerity, situation, and potential for stability.
We provide resident services to give them every possible chance to succeed. They make good neighbors. They want, and are very glad, to be in a safe home they can afford. And the eyesore house on your block is transformed into a good home in your neighborhood.
Help us help others. That includes letting us know about programs available in the area, telling us when houses are coming up for sale that would work in our program, and supporting us in local government and media conversations. Cooperation, respect, and support make the difference. Your new neighbors will be very grateful, and so will our entire Old Glory staff.
We are constantly on the lookout to partner for business issues we have facing us, behavioral health partners to provide guidance and counseling, non-profit food organizations to add to our referral list, and any other group or agency that can touch the lives of our home renters. We know that many veterans and displaced homemakers need counseling services well beyond what is available to them through the V.A. and government or religious organizations.
We need health care clinics and providers where residents can apply for services ranging from an eye exam for a child struggling in school to elder care and prescription assistance.
Partnership by Americans is part of our basic fabric, and has been for several hundred years. Nearly everyone here is an immigrant, refugee, or settler. We run on the Golden Rule, and we hope our partner organizations do, too, because everyone, regardless, deserves decent housing.
At Old Glory we think community buy-in is critical to the success of a project. We know we have renters that want a normal life, coming home to a place where things work like they should and they can feel safe and proud of where they live.
But making it happen, taking distressed and sometimes down-right derelict apartment buildings, single family homes, and duplexes and turning them around takes the cooperation and support of community groups, governmental agencies, and other nonprofit organizations.
Some of the largest nonprofits in the world help support grants and programs that we help residents tap into through our client services programs. Won’t you come on board with us? Your new neighbors will thank you, and so will we.
Support Mercy Housing in our mission to create stable, vibrant and healthy communities by providing affordable, service-enriched housing. Your donation is essential to supporting individuals as they work to build long-term change in their lives and in their communities